If online fitness coaching is new to you, you’re probably wondering why you should chose Mad Fit. Times are changing, our lives are busier than ever, and we are bombarded constantly with messages on how to get fit and stay fit. From wraps, pills, and shakes, to detox teas and vinegar shots with “the mother”- figuring out what will truly work for you is tiring and confusing!

Get Results 5x Faster

That’s where an expert comes in. When you have a personal Online Fitness Coach leading you with scientific based knowledge (which is what we do here) you will save thousands of dollars, not to mention the amount of time it would take you to try all the WRONG things! You will speed up the process and typically get results 5x faster.

The Online Coach Advantage

Now you might be wondering, well why not just hire a personal trainer? Trust me I know where you’re coming from. I myself started working with an in person trainer when I first started my quest for weight loss, but what I found is that I didn’t have all the resources I needed to be successful. I needed in-depth accountability and lifestyle shift coaching, which is usually beyond what an in person coach can offer. When you work with an online health coach you have someone available, in your corner helping you with the tiniest details of the journey that equal BIG RESULTS.

Long Term Results

Many weight loss or fitness programs do not teach you how to have long term results. Mad Fit Coaching is designed to show you how to incorporate changes in your life that you can sustain for the long haul. This alone makes working with an online fitness coaching worth it. No more yo-yo dieting, cycles or weight gain and loss, but instead, a way of living that will help you lead a healthy life.


One of the greatest benefits of working with Mad Fit is that you can fit programming and coaching into YOUR schedule. You are not locked down to a specific workout time slot. You’re a busy professional and many times you need to be able to have flexibility and some wiggle room when it come to the time of day you workout. With traditional coaching methods you are tied to a time of day or slot, due to the schedule and juggling of other clients a coach is working with, that is not the case with Mad Fit Coaching.

There are many advantages to Mad Fit Coaching that group weight loss programs and in person training just simply doesn’t provide. You’re worth having someone dedicated to getting your proven results. You deserve a custom plan just for your goals and struggles. You deserve to live a healthy life and to be Mad Fit.

If you’re ready to change your life and get the lasting results you deserve click here to apply.

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